I want to go lay out under a tree, on a bright blue blanket, sipping lemon aid while listening to the sounds of the woods behind me.
OR better yet...
I want to find a pond or a lake somewhere secluded in the forest. Fill a wooden row boat full of pillows made of bright Victorian or Indian fabrics. Bring a parasol and a favorite book, and lay back in the boat and float for hours and hours on end.
Either of those sound like the PERFECT summer day to me. I've tried to create those perfect days for me, but I think I tend to OVER PLAN everything and it never is quite what I want it to be.
I'm of course ignoring the temp and the snow and the fact that I am working and that it's not ACTUALLY summer yet. Sitting in this office surrounded by windows, I tend to forget.
Speaking of summer....
I want more then ever this year to be able take my pictures this summer. I've always wanted to take some friends and some props out into the forest and stage up these perfect photographic moments. So that I could practice and build up my portfolio.
But honestly I don't know if I have what it takes to be a photographer.
I can see this PERFECT picture in my head, but it NEVER turns out the way I have it all planned.
Maybe I need to take classes before I try and build my portfolio. That's a whole other can of worms....Can I afford school!? Can I go to school around my work hours!? Is it going to make a difference!? Yikes.
BUT before I go and play I need to get my house in order! While the weather is pretty, it is still real cold out. Before it gets warmer I need to clean up get organized and dump things I don't really need. If I wait till summer things will never get done, because I'll want to be out playing and having picnics.
i want to do more things this summer too...and have you take pictures of me...lol...but i need to lose wait so i don't look like a fat cow