Saturday, June 20, 2009

Proof that I have really let myself go....

This is me, the picture was taken about a month or so ago. I am not happy about my current situation and that's why I am making it public, so that maybe I'll get my A$$ in gear and do something about it!!
This is proof that I used to be skinnier than I am now!

This is proof that I used to have a cleaner house than I have now, and proof that I used to be able to invite friends over!!

....AND....this is proof that I think I'd look HOT with my lip pierced!! Hmmm, think I am going to change my profile picture now!


  1. Yikes that place is a mess. And I find that first picture where its says beaver dick to be amusing. I'm guessing that place wasn't recently.

  2. I don't know how to re-edit a post last sentence should read "I'm guessing that place wasn't named recently"

  3. Nah, my friend went to school around their ages ago and that was the make out spot and it had that name back then too. I took this picture for him. :)

  4. hahahaha your place... it's quite amusing to see that pic :p

    Funny post!
